Worship Services

Worship Service begins each Sunday at 10:00a.

Everyone worships. The question is not if we worship but what/who we worship. God created us for His glory and to know and worship Him.

The church gathered in worship is a picture of the new community God is purposefully building. Education, finances, IQ, zip code, or age are not what brings us together or unites us. Sin levels everyone and puts us all on the same playing field before a holy God. We all have the same need. Jesus provides the solution to our greatest problem. Therefore the common thread that binds diverse people is the grace of God.

As one author puts it, “the church is a colony of heaven in a country of death.” God’s grace is the foundation for why we gather. No better reason exists. We may have many things in common or be as different as night and day, but the call of Christ bids us to come and worship him. He is the reason we gather. 

You may have grown up in the church or been a Christian since you were a kid. You may have many unanswered questions or doubts about God. Consider that God knows your innermost thoughts and longings and is willing to meet you where you are. He is kind and patient. By his grace, we can be, too.

Come as you are.

In his love, God will meet you there. You do not have to clean yourself up or have a great week – where you tried really hard to be better than the week before – to join us. In fact, brokenness and humility are virtuous to God.

The intent of the worship service is exactly that – to worship the Lord. With this in mind, the Sunday service’s overall purpose is to draw our attention, heart, and mind to the Lord. Singing, praying, reading, preaching, and the sacraments – the Lord’s Supper and baptism – are parts of the worship service God’s given us to draw close to him.

Each Sunday coffee and doughnuts are provided and many people hang around after the service to talk and enjoy each other’s company.