Missio Dei’s story
Today, Missio Dei Church is a thriving congregation that embodies the Reformed tradition, embraces an evangelistic spirit, and holds a deep commitment to the authority and teachings of the Scriptures. Our community of believers, spanning across all age groups, is dedicated to growing in faith, sharing the message of Christ, and living out the principles found in God’s Word.
Church merger
In 2022, Missio Dei Church merged with Christ Community Church to form a stronger congregation. This merger is a testament to God’s sovereignty and His purpose for the church in Huntington. The idea for the merger originated from the close friendships between Missio Dei’s founding pastor, Mark White, and Christ Community’s founding pastor, Gregg Terry, as well as Seth Young, who took over as pastor when Terry retired. After prayer and thoughtful consideration and deliberation with the congregations, the churches decided to pursue the merger.
History of Christ Community Church
The history of Christ Community Church begins with 1969 Marshall graduate, Gregg Terry. Terry studied overseas at the L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland under noted evangelical leader, Francis Schaeffer. He later obtained his doctorate at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. After returning to the area in 1977, Terry accepted a position as associate pastor of First Baptist Church of South Charleston. However, several families who knew Terry asked him to also lead an evening Bible study in Huntington.
Christ Community Church began as these weekly Bible studies at the Beverly Hills Woman’s Club. The non-denominational church would later move to a site in downtown Huntington before settling in 1995 at 1101 12th St. The historic Southside building once housed a Christian Science church.
History of Missio Dei
Missio Dei Church began in the Summer of 2008 when a few families moved to Huntington, WV to be a part of God’s work in the city. That Fall a small group began meeting in a home for prayer and Bible study. A year later they began having a worship service once a month in the former Funny Bone Comedy Club at Pullman Square in downtown Huntington, WV. In February 2010, Missio Dei started meeting weekly for worship gatherings.
After over a decade in the Pullman Square space, Missio Dei now calls 1101 12th St home.
Worshiping together
The merger brought together the church bodies into one, combining a youthful energy and as contemporary worship style of Missio Dei with the experience and wisdom of Christ Community. The integration of the two churches has created a dynamic and inclusive community. Located in the heart of one of Huntington’s largest neighborhoods, Missio Dei’s new location fosters a communal atmosphere.
The combination of theological outlooks and the mutual need for intergenerational support has strengthened the church’s mission.
The merger has also benefited Missio Dei by bringing in additional leaders and members. Older leaders joined Missio Dei’s elder team, providing valuable wisdom and guidance.
Despite challenges faced by the universal church in recent years, Missio Dei’s leaders remain optimistic about both Missio Dei and the church at large. They see hopeful signs in the increasing number of visitors and the church’s return to its biblical roots. The emphasis on teaching the Scriptures and engaging in meaningful worship reflects a broader trend in churches seeking to deepen their faith and impact their communities.
Ultimately, the merger of Missio Dei and Christ Community is a testament to God’s sovereignty and His purpose for the church in Huntington. Together, they strive to reach people for Christ and invite others to join their great body of believers. As the church continues to grow and evolve, they remain confident in God’s faithfulness and His enduring Church.
Become a part of the history
We warmly welcome you to become a part of Missio Dei’s church history. At Missio Dei, we believe God has intentionally brought us together to reach people for Christ in the Huntington area. Through serving, loving, and sharing the Gospel with our neighbors, we aim to make a lasting impact and see our city transformed by the power of Christ. Join us for our Sunday morning services to meet new friends, engage in meaningful teaching, and find your place of belonging.
What does Missio Dei mean?
Missio Dei [pronounced miss-ee-oh day] means “mission of God.” The name communicates two messages – one about God and one about the church. Missio Dei is not only who we are – a church on mission, but who we serve – a God on mission. Our God is a missionary God who humbled himself in the person of Jesus (Philippians 2:8) to seek and to save lost men, women, boys, and girls (Luke 19:10). The church represents a missionary God and serves the world as his ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20); sharing the good news about what God has done to save a world through Jesus Christ.